URIAH HEEP Guitarist Mick Box - "We Are Heading Into 2009 With All Guns Blazing..."

December 18, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard uriah heep

Legendary rockers URIAH HEEP have issued the following message from guitarist Mick Box:

"Well here we are heading towards the festive holiday season once again after a year of many ups and downs. The release of Wake The Sleeper was a hi-light after us waiting all of that time. There were moments of despair all round with delay after delay, but it came good in the end. The response from the fans and media worldwide has been wonderful and it is a good feeling that we are heading into 2009 with all guns blazing after a fabulous European tour behind us.

We have travelled what seems like a trillion miles on tour buses, planes, boats and cars but it has all been worthwhile as the reaction to the show has been brilliant. There are not many bands that can say they have performed the entire new CD on stage but we took the gamble and it really paid off. We still managed to play some notable classics in the process so everybody was happy.

There were some strange venues and I guess there were no stranger than the prison show but such is the spirit in Heep that we can do these things and take it in our stride and pull it off. There are so many countries left to play in 2009 and we are looking forward to seeing you all out on the road for some more good honest rock n’ roll Heep style. It was really cool to be nominated in the best CD’s of 2008 in Classic Rock Magazine and thanks to all of you that voted.

It is time now that we focus on our families to celebrate Xmas and New Year and we wish you all, the very best Xmas ever and an even better New Year. As we raise a glass or three to toast everyone’s good health please have a thought for those less fortunate and indeed the many homeless people that are out there sleeping on the streets.

You have heard me say this many times but it is always said straight from the heart, we thank every one of you sincerely who bought WTS and the WTS merchandise and a big thanks to those that came to the concerts as we really do appreciate your support. Have a fantastic time and we look forward to seeing you all in 2009!

‘Appy Days!"

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