BW&BK Exclusive: LOUDNESS - Overview Of Tribute Show For Late Drummer MUNETAKA HIGUCHI Available, Band Vows To Continue

February 15, 2009, 15 years ago

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Exclusive to BW&BK;, our source Takashi Kanazawa has issued a first-hand account of the February 14th tribute show to drummer Munetaka Higuchi, who passed away on November 30th following a long battle with liver cancer.

"The tribute concert 'Munetaka Higuchi Forever Our Hero' was held on February 14th at C.C. Lemon Hall in Tokyo, Japan. Masayuki 'Ampan' Suzuki filled in for Munetaka's drum slot.

The show kicked off with an instrumental 'Fire Of Spirit' and then to the furiously fast 'Hell Riders'. After 'Soldier Of Fortune' a white Pearl drum set played by Munetaka was brought up on stage, behind Ampan's drum set. The band played mainly the songs from post-2000 reunion era such as 'Metal Mad', 'Can't Find My Way', 'Exultation', 'Crazy Samurai', 'Breaking The Taboo' and 'The Battleship Musashi'.

In the latter half of the concert, classics like 'Never Change Your Mind', 'Crazy Doctor', 'In The Mirror' and 'Crazy Night' were played. Along with 'Never Change Your Mind', a movie was shown where Munetaka enjoys playing golf and darts, making audience weep. On the ballad 'So Lonely', the band (without drummer) played along to a live track played by Munetaka.

The most emotional moment came at last, after playing the classic 'S.D.I.', Minoru shouted 'We have a guest from Osaka, Munetaka's father!' Everyone in the venue was in tears.

After the band left the stage, Zep's 'Stairway To Heaven' was played along with message shown on screen. The message stated that the band will go on without Munetaka, to inherit his passion on rock and the band will commit to work vigorously putting worldwide audience in perspective."

(Thanks Takashi)

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