MEGADETH's Dave Mustaine Checks In From Newcastle

February 18, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news megadeth

MEGADETH's Dave Mustaine has issued the following update:

"So far the tour, and this overall trip has been beyond words!

The beauty and the majesty of the Emerald Isle, and her people, in both countries was breathtaking.

We had heard that the weather was going to be shite, but I reminded everyone of my close friends, that are in on my little bizzaro moments, like when the sun comes out here, whenever I come to the UK. If even for just one second.

Heading east we went into new territory in Great Britain; namely, our first show in Sheffield, England.

Some of you recognize the name for the same reasons I do - that it was DEF LEPPARD's home town.

We also have been going into new and fantastic buildings on the UK tour. I DID get ahead of myself, because I thought the whole tour was going to be like that: 'Gone are the days of playing shithole gigs in dank, stench soaked, buildings painted with several hundred coats of black paint.

Like last night in Manchester. The fans are so impressive to me. The fans know all of the words, and I am not a real 'stage-shit talker', so I mention this, but the audience in Manchester was half the size of the Glasgow gig, and yet Manchester were louder than the Glasgow audience.

We have been taping the shows just for fun to see who cheers the loudest and who sings the songs the loudest. Like the chorus in 'Peace Sells' and 'A Tout Le Monde'.

Tonight we are in Newcastle, England. Its famous for various reasons, but the one that first comes to mind is Newcastle Brown Ale.

So, we are going to keep the audience game going and we are going to send clips of you guys singing into the fan club for you to vote for the loudest Megadeth City!!!!

On another front, I am so relieved that Pam and Electra returned from their trip to Israel, and I am so happy that our friends over seas took such good care of her.

Uri, our promoter and friend living in Israel. Uri is Russian and has always been great to me and my people. You of all people should know what I mean when I say, 'Thank you so much, my Droog!'

And we are finally going back to Wales too. Woo-hoo!

More to come later! And just know that we all, Me, James, Shawn, and Chris love you so much."

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