MANTIC RITUAL Guitarist Featured On MTV's Headbanger's Blog - "The Benefits Of Staying With Fans Are Many"

February 19, 2009, 15 years ago

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MANTIC RITUAL guitarist Jeff Potts has contributed to MTV's Headbanger's Blog with the following:

"So we’re on our first major tour and it’s been great thus far. ROTTING CHRIST is an awesome band, and they’re good guys as well. It’s been pretty chill going around with them. This past month has been a great opportunity to brush up on road survival skills for the prevention of early death and scurvy. Actually, we’ve recently gotten the scurvy under control with a little vitamin C, but the rest is still up in the air.

For touring bands, there are many different ways to get by on the road. Most important is finding a solid place to sleep. It seems that for all bands, a massive gas-guzzling vehicle is key for proper transportation. These large trucks and buses most commonly have sleeping accommodations. Anything ranging from an RV to a bus seems to do the trick. If not that, it could be something as mundane as a conversion van with a trailer (getting a hotel is an option, too).

Mantic Ritual, however, does things the old fashioned, homeless bum way, by crashing at random houses every night. We have a van with just enough room for the equipment, merchandise and us. Little else. Sleeping properly on the van is impossible at best, especially in the bitter winter.

We’ve heard horror stories from plenty of people (such as our parents and sixth grade teachers) about the dangers of staying with strangers, but so far we’ve been able to survive. As a group of major tightwads, we totally hate spending money and have endorsed this form of cooperative mooching. Here’s how it works..."

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