Ralph Santolla Guitar Being Auctioned To Benefit Injured DECAPITATED Singer

March 20, 2009, 15 years ago

news decapitated riff notes

A guitar that was owned by Ralph Santolla (OBITUARY, DEICIDE, DEATH, ICED EARTH) is up for auction at eBay, with proceeds set to benefit DECAPITATED singer Adrian "Covan" Kowanek, who was seriously injured in an auto accident while on tour in November, 2007.

Says Ralph, "As most people know, the drummer for Decapitated, Vitek, lost his life in an auto accident while on tour in November 2007. His singer, Covan, was seriously injured. He has a very long road to recovery ahead of him, and he and his family face enormous medical costs. At the end of the Winterfest tour, we gave Vitek's brother, Wacek (guitarist for VADER), a Jackson Randy Rhoads 24 fret guitar that was signed by the entire tour. This guitar will be auctioned to raise money for Covan and his family. This guitar was used on Deicide's Till Death Do Us Part album, Obituary's Left To Die EP and many, many tours and festivals. It's also an amzing instrument.This guitar has seen more of the world than you! Please do whatever you can to support this cause!"

Check out the auction at this location.

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