EDGUY Guitarist JENS LUDWIG - "When We Do An Album We Never Have A Master Plan"

April 22, 2009, 15 years ago

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EDGUY guitarist Jens Ludwig recently spoke with MetalAsylum.net. An excerpt from the interview is available below.

Q: Do you feel Edguy’s sound and style has become more “Americanized” over the course of the last two albums Rocket Ride and more so Tinnitus Sanctus?

Jens: "Well, I don’t know about 'Americanized.' For us it’s the album we wanted to do and really the only reason I can see why people call it 'Americanized' is maybe the down tuned guitars. The only influence I think came from the tour we did with AEROSMITH a couple years which was a big influence on us. I mean if these guys can still do it at 60 years old that’s definitely a kick in the ass for us."

Q: Do you think Edguy has been influenced by the sounds of a NICKELBACK, HINDER, or a SHINEDOWN?

Jens: "No I don’t see that but I personally like those bands a lot. Tobi (Edguy singer Tobias Sammett) doesn’t like 'em, haha. But in terms of those bands I think they manage to write good song with a lot of power in their riffs and that’s something we have done with our new album Tinnitus Sanctus. But when we do an album we never have a master plan. We just show up at the rehearsal studio and start creating. I think Sascha Paeth (our producer) also had a lot of influence on the music because he is really into heavy powerful riffs so he had a lot on input as well."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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