NEMESEA To Support GOLDEN EARRING At Holland's Jiprock Festival

May 1, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news nemesea golden earring

Manda Ophuis, vocalist for Holland's NEMESEA, has checked in with the following update:

"A lot of great things are happening at the moment.

It was wonderful telling everybody about the surround shows we’re going to do in July. We’re all busy with the preparations. It’s going to be soooo cool, so make sure you’ll be there, cause you don’t want to miss this spectacular show! As soon as the ticket sales start, make sure to buy your ticket soon, cause there’s a limited number of tickets.

Cool thing about this project is that we get to work with Ronald Prent again! He is an amazing guy and he did such an amazing job on our album In Control that we’re really looking forward to see him again!

Djuri and Dave, the guys whose graduation project this is, are really working their asses off. Next week they’ll come over to our rehearsing room to record some stuff already. Meanwhile we started rehearsing, writing new stuff and thinking about some surprises for this show….and trust me…there will be a couple!

On May 23rd we will be opening a show with a band called GOLDEN EARRING (Jiprock Festival). This is a very famous band here in Holland but they also did great in the UK and the USA with hit songs like 'Radar Love', 'When The Lady Smiles' and 'Twilight Zone'. It will be cool to share the stage with those old rockers! Thanks to Simone FM

You can read more about the Golden Earring here.

So, that’s all for now! Talk to you soon!"



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