THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN Announce North American Show Pre-Sale Contest; Add Guelph, Ontario Date To Tour Schedule

June 2, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news the dillinger escape plan

THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, who recently announced that they have inked a deal with Season Of Mist Records after parting ways with longtime label Relapse, have issued the following update regarding their live activity:

"Ok so check it out...

We are now teaming up with Carrie, our Street Team Queen, and doing a little contest thing for these upcoming shows (which now includes Guelph, Ontario (Canada) on June 20th by the way... see below).


9 - Farmingdale, NY - Crazy Donkey

10 - Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Church
11 - Washington, DC - Rock N Roll Hotel
12 - Raleigh, NC - The Brewery
14 - Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo
16 - Pontiac, MI - The Pike Room
17 - Chicago, IL - Reggie's Rock Club
18 - Columbus, OH - The Basement
19 - St Catharines, ON - L3 Nightclub
20 - Guelph, ON - Vinyl
21 - Toronto, ON - The Mod Club

Here's the deal in a nutshell...

YOU send a scan of your ticket or receipt or some kind of proof of purchase of your pre-sale ticket, to Carrie, at, with the name of your city in the subject line, and your phone number and proof of purchase in the message, and then she will, a day before each show, randomly select a winner.

The winner, plus a guest, will hang out with us before we play, play air guitar to some grindcore band with Tuttle, float in the air and do yoga with Liam, something, and then will be able to watch the show from sidestage/backstage/wherever you want. Basically you get an ALLLLL access pass for about 30 mins. prior to the show until it's all said and done. We'll get in touch with you the day before to let you know that you are the unlucky individual, and then we'll hit you up the day of to let you know the deal.

Alright! We have a week left until show numero uno.

Also, about pre-sales in general, if you haven't bought your ticket, ya might wanna get crackin', because a couple of these shows are starting to get a little cramped for space (not saying which ones), and will most likely be sold out by the day of. See you soon."

More information, and the band's complete live itinerary, at this location.

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