UDO DIRKSCHNEIDER On New ACCEPT Frontman - "The New Singer Sounds Like A Copy Of My Vocals... And This Is Wrong"

June 15, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news udo dirkschneider accept

Dimitris Kontogeorgakos from MetalTemple.com recently conducted an interview with U.D.O. leader and former ACCEPT singer Udo Dirkschneider. The following is an excerpt:

Q: You have a brand new single on the way entitled 'Infected'; first of all I have to ask you why will you release it only in 2,222 copies? Is there any special meaning behind this number?

A: (laughs) "No there is none! Actually this was an idea of our record label and I have to admit that we are not really happy about this..."

Q: Why?

A: "We don’t see the point in releasing two non-album (and actually very good) tracks on a single. They will be on 2222 copies for a limited number of fans and then they will be lost. So, I do not know if there is any meaning behind this number. I guess they wanted to do something special for the band. We want to have these two songs as download-ables in the internet because we do not want to lose them!"

Q: In the band’s official site says that the new album is closer to Accept; can give us more details on this?

A: "Yeah, in this album you can find songs from the Balls To Wall-era or Russian Roulette and stuff like that."

Q: But have you ever left the Accept sound?

A: "No! (laughs) This was a comment by the guys from the record label. I have never left this sound. OK, it is a little bit different and if you think the main difference is that Wolf is not playing the solos. But if you take a closer ’look’ at the solos in the new album you will discover more melody and that bring us closer to Accept."

Q: And that brings us to the next question; what about the reunion?

A: "Reunion?" (laughs)

Q: It’s good to see you laugh about that! Of course I am talking about the proposition to re-join Accept.

A: "Yeah I know. Reunion for me would be if Stefan [Kaufmann] and myself would be back on Accept. It is good to see that Peter [Baltes] and Wolf [Hoffman] are making music together again but under the name of Accept? I do not know. It will be very difficult. I listened to the new recordings ('Balls To The Wall' and 'Flash Rocking Man') and I can say that the new singer sounds like a copy of my vocals; and this is wrong.

But it is actually up to them. I believe that if they wanted to do a reunion without me they should search a different singer. This might work. So, when they asked me and Stefan to do a reunion I simply said ‘no’. The risk for me would be too high. I have been with U.D.O. for more time than I had been with Accept and actually I have made more albums. U.D.O. is a band with strong chemistry and is working as a team. I do not have any problem with the guys in Accept but I know that music-wise we would not be the same. It would be two different parts together; myself and Stefan on one side and Wolf and Peter on the other. But this would not be Accdpt that back in those days was a whole. Listen to the Predator album it had nothing to do with the old sound."

Read the full interview at this location.

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