VADER - "Let's Start A War"

June 23, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news vader

Polish death metal legends VADER have issued the following update:

"The next leg of Vader's Blitzkrieg 5 Tour 2009 promotional campaign has just begun!

The Polish edition of the tour will feature also Swedish black metal monster MARDUK, two well known Polish bands CHAINSAW and ESQARIAL and some additional guest acts.

Morgan and Marduk can't wait to play a tour with Vader. He states, "Marduk are proud to announce that we will be joining Vader for a 15 date Polish tour right before we hit Europe. We are delighted to team up once again with our war brothers in Vader to march across Poland together with our loyal Polish fans and reach territories we havent been in before. Unleash the wolfpack..."

Chainsaw and Esqarial are hungry for blood as well. Both bands are going to promote their newest releases during the upcoming trip. It's gonna be a killer package the more so because there will be some other surprises.

Says Vader's Peter, "We are looking forward to start Blitz and I'm sure that's gonna be the best tour we've ever played. The new line-up is getting stronger day by day, both artistically and mentally. We are working hard to improve the quality of our shows and prepare some special surprises for our Fans. Hopefully this time we will succeed in all. Remember- Vader takes no slaves!"

The upcoming tour is being promoted by the biggest Polish portal and also Hard Rocker, Alphard, Warner Music,, Music Info.

There's also a venue change in Warsaw. The first battle of Blitzkrieg 5 will take place in Progresja (ul.Kaliskiego 15A)."

View the tour schedule here.

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