NARNIA Address Illegal Downloading

July 20, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news narnia

Sweden's NARNIA have issued the following update:

"Maybe it's not 'politically correct' in the eyes of some people, but we feel that we'd like to share some thoughts from 'the inside' regarding this matter:

Just let us try to explain that for a band of our size, every sold copy counts. If You purchase our music legally we can assure You that Your support means a lot to us. The money that we receive from the copy that You buy, will be used to cover the costs of making that actual album, and it can help us to keep making records. We're obviously not 'in this for the money' - if so we would have chosen the wrong business. So please, support us and other bands in the best way You can - buy simply buying our music and merchandise legally, in the store or at legal online services where You can pay a small rate per song, or for a full album.

Regarding statements made by some people saying that 'illegal downloading is ok and hurts no one' - we don't think they have considered the situation of the thousands of smaller bands, constantly struggling small budgets.

Also let us give a BIG MEGA THANK YOU to all of You who chose to buy our records in the past! We truly appreciate it and we hope You have enjoyed our music!"

Narnia has uploaded a brand new song, 'Sail Around The World', for streaming at their MySpace page.

The band comments: "It's a shortened version, and the audio quality will of course be much better on the actual CD, but we think you will get the picture. We hope you will enjoy it."

'Sail Around The World' will appear on the forthcoming Narnia album, Course Of A Generation, which will be released by Massacre Records on July 24th.

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