ACHERON Frontman On The Final Conflict: Last Days of God - "Half The Album Was Written 10 Years Ago"

September 14, 2009, 15 years ago

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ACHERON vocalist Vincent Crowley is featured in a new interview with Teeth Of The Divine discussing the band's new album, The Final Conflict: Last Days of God . An excerpt is available below.

Q: A lot of these songs you’ve had for a while then; and of course 'Blood Oath' is a re-recording.

Crowley: "Yeah. Actually half the album was written when I was still back in Tampa and that was 10 years ago. I get people saying 'Man, you’ve got some old school feel.' I hope so, I wrote half of them 10 years ago [laughs]. But it’s just been a procrastination thing. When we did the last album, Rebirth, we just decided to write stuff from scratch instead of taking stuff I had already written. So this stuff has been on the backburner for a while and we were real anxious to get it out."

Q: This is a concept album. You wrote the story of it in the booklet, the final battle where the three major white light religions finally meet their demise.

Crowley: "I wrote a lot of these songs before, but I had the concept right after we did the Those who have Risen album, which came out in ‘98. So this concept has been a long time coming. A friend of mine said that with all the shit happening today that you should have recorded it back then and people would be freaking out now [laughs]. It’s like the [Wolfen] Society has been around since the beginning of organized religion and everybody gets a little bit of power so not just one religion takes over, but it gets to the point where these religions are getting too out of hand, so they have to manipulate the slaughter of each of them by their own hand, while they sit back and wait for the deal to be sealed so they can take the reins. But as far as the concept thing goes, I’ve always admired King Diamond for that. To be able to tell the story and keep it going and maintain it with the music without it sounding forced. What I tried to do with this album is that all the songs can be listened to by themselves, even though they’re all part of the story. You don’t have to have the other songs to enjoy a single song."

Go to this location for the complete interview.


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