Report: TED NUGENT Takes Aim At Canada

September 18, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard ted nugent is reporting:

“Hey Prime Minister, my name is TED NUGENT. Eat me!”

The Motor City Madman, as irreverent as ever in his 60 years of stalking the planet’s game, rolled through Thunder Bay on Friday afternoon and took aim at Canadian gun laws, the Canadian public for tolerating them and the “drooling hippies” who put them in place; and of course, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who Nugent mistakenly believed to be behind the long-gun registry, not the succession of Liberal governments that preceded him.

But in true Nugent fashion, he wasn’t above poking fun at himself as well, during an on-air visit at the Rock 94 studios.

The guitarist, best known for his 1970s hit 'Cat Scratch Fever' and lately as the host of the outdoor show Spirit Of The Wild, has long been an outspoken pro-gun, pro-hunting advocate, and didn’t mince words when discussing wildlife management in Ontario.

“I think if you can find an honest MNR official, they would admit that you’re only tapping into a minute percentage of this incredible asset that you have in Canada, whether it’s moose or bear or deer or waterfowl or the uplink game. You have 98 per cent more to go in utilizing the resources you have up here.

“As I was flying over, you have such wilderness. It’s a production factory of wildlife,” said Nugent, calling the province’s management of its small game and bear populations irresponsible.

Nugent, who is filming his hunting expedition for a future episode of Spirit of the Wild, said the province is losing out on millions of tourist dollars by limiting the number of kills, essentially turning positive into negative and turning away lucrative non-resident hunters willing to spend money to hunt in this country.

“You kill more bears on the highway and your OPP killing nuisance animals to the tune of God knows how many gazillions of dollars that could be better utilized if they were in the asset column instead of the liability column.”

Read more here.

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