BIF NAKED - Live Dates Confirmed For Manitoba And Saskatchewan

October 5, 2009, 14 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Canadian rocker Bif Naked has updated her schedule with four live dates, two in Manitoba and two in Saskatchewan. They are as follows:


14 - Houston’s Country Roadhouse - Brandon, Manitoba
15 - Silverado’s - Winnipeg, Manitoba

16 - Rawlinson Centre - Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
17 - Ryly’s - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Bif recently issued what she refers to as the "van breakdown" for touring, as follows:

"Jason drives. He wants to. Feels he may be 'more efficient' than others, skilled with Andretti-like control of the vehicle no matter the speed. Has only 'jacknifed' trailer once.

The General sits shotgun. Always. NO EXCEPTIONS. This is an unspoken and understood rule. I think it might be in The Bible. Maybe even the old Testament.

Christie (whom the band refers to as 'Sixteen' but I still don’t know why) sits in the first bench seat as she is advancing upcoming shows and talkin’ technical riders with promoters, etc.etc. She never gets to sleep. She never complains and is always smiling. Always.

Then there’s some combination of myself, Flav, and Jacen on the next seat. Flavio is very funny in the morning. As is Jacen. PLUS its likely they are functioning on verrrrrrry little sleep. The Diamond (Jimmy) almost always sleeps all morning on the very back bench seat. He likes sleeping very much. He looks like a young boy when he is sleeping. He does not snore. Well, not usually.

Then, last but not least: lil’ol moi. Morning Girl."

Check out BW&BK; scribe Carl Begai's May 2009 interview with Bif here.

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