HYPOCRISY Frontman Peter Tägtgren - "I Think The Fans Have Forgiven Me For PAIN’s Commercial Success"

October 25, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news pain hypocrisy

BW&BK; scribe Carl Begai recently caught up with HYPOCRISY / PAIN frontman Pete Tägtgren to discuss Hypocrisy's new album, A Taste Of Extreme Divinity. An excerpt from the interview is available below:

Switching gears between Pain and Hypocrisy, says Tägtgren, isn’t as big of a deal as some people might think…

“I just tell the other me to take a hike," laughs Tägtgren. "It’s not really that hard because it’s a totally different riffing thing in Hypocrisy compared to Pain. I’ve learned a lot from playing live with Pain because with the way the music is – with that chugging rhythm – you’ve got to be so fucking tight. People are going to know right away if you’ve fucked up. Doing those Pain songs for so long live, it’s going to be easier to play the Hypocrisy songs now.”
“I don’t catch too much shit and I’m surprised about that,” Tägtgren says of dividing his time between Hypocrisy and Pain. “I think people have gotten used to the idea of me doing both bands, and they’re happy I’m not putting Pain stuff in Hypocrisy and the other way around. I think the Hypo fans have forgiven me for Pain’s commercial success (laughs). I’m glad I have the artistic freedom to do these different kinds of music, and that I’m able to put Hypocrisy aside for a while to do other things, otherwise Hypocrisy would be sounding a lot different nowadays.”

“Still, in Hypocrisy we definitely try to progress. We haven’t making the same album over and over since 1992. I’ve seen so many death metal bands do that sort of thing, and where are they now?”

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Click here for BW&BK; scribe David Perri's review of A Taste Of Extreme Divinity.

Produced by Hypocrisy mastermind Tägtgren himself, A Taste Of Extreme Divinity is an eleven track balancing act of pure aggression and technical precision. Following on the formidable heels of 2005’s Virus, Divinity manages to push the band – rounded out by Mikael Hedlund on bass and the mighty Horgh behind the kit – to even greater heights. The band has uploaded the track 'Hang Him High' to their MySpace page.

The North American mail-order version of A Taste Of Extreme Divinity will feature three exclusive bonus tracks, which can now be pre-ordered at this location in various formats and bundle packages.

The tracklisting:

'Valley Of The Damned'

'Hang Him High'

'Solar Empire'

'Weed Out The Weak'

'No Tomorrow'

'Global Domination'

'Taste The Extreme Divinity'


'The Quest'

'Tamed "Filled With Fear"'

'Sky Is Falling Down'

Bonus Tracks:

'The Sinner'

'Taste The Extreme Divinity' (2008 Demo)

'Valley Of The Damned' (2008 Demo)

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