JOB FOR A COWBOY Issue New Tour Blog

November 9, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news job for cowboy

Arizona metallers JOB FOR A COWBOY have issued the following update from drummer Jon "The Charn" Rice:

"Charn from Job For A Cowboy here checking in and filling everyone in on what's shaking in the Job For A Cowboy camp these day. Quite a lot has been happening with us these days, what with touring with LAMB OF GOD, GWAR and THE RED CHORD along with a seemingly endless run of bad luck with our transportation, which I will get to later.

Anyway, lets start off with a positive note. We were lucky enough to have all of our family issues resolved by October 26th and came back on tour with our first show being in Buffalo, NY. Super excited about being there a day early we decided to go to the place where Buffalo Wings supposedly originated a restaurant/bar called the Anchor Bar. Needless to say the food was delicious, the beer was flowing and the flat screen televisions were aplenty. After Al, Thomas (our bus driver) and myself ate there when we arrived in buffalo at the bus station we were off to pick up the rest of the fellows at the airport after they had had numerous flight delays and other things setting them back from entering blustery northeastern New York. With them on the bus we decided to park by the venue and head back down to the Anchor Bar to chow down for one last time that evening. With the exception of a very drunk man yelling at the Phillies on the television and ranting about the Yankees everything was going swimmingly until an obviously drunk man and his wife entered the bar. This is when things got awkward.

Our entire group was almost finished with our food when the aforementioned obvious drunk fellow decides to come over to brent and ask him about his obviously stretched ears (they're stretched to the tune of 2" or something like that. Ask him if you see his goofy ass at a show because, to be honest, I'm not exactly sure). Normal conversation, especially for brent, happens with questions being brought up about how large his ears are, how long it took for him to get to that size and if it hurt. The conversation following the seemingly cordial discussion goes as follows:

Man: So why would you do that to yourself?

Brent: Because I worship satan. (note: He said this with the intent of it being taken sarcastically, not seriously)

Man: …

Man: You don't mean that do you.

Brent: No, seriously. I worship satan.

After that things slowly started going even further downhill. Obviously inebriated, the man drops the questions and goes over to his wife to finish his beer and food. As they were exiting the man started shouting obscenities at brent such as, 'I hope you get AIDS' and 'I hope as you leave you get hit by a car', with the intent of instigating a fight with 7 dudes, which obviously is a horrible idea considering most of the band and crew work out extensively and have some training with Muay Thai and other MMA styles. He finally exits the building and starts pounding on the windows to coax us into going outside. We finish up and pay and head outside to find him and his wife standing there waiting for us. He starts pulling up his sleeves and starts to initiate a fight between us 7 and himself, all while his wife is begging us not to beat the living piss out of her obviously tanked husband. More awesome conversation goes as such:

Man: Come on devil man lets do this

All of us: …

Jon Eddy (our tour manager): Do you really want to get your ass kicked by 7 guys right now? Take your wife and go home asshole.



Finally his wife convinces him to cut his losses and go home. As we're walking away the man starts retorting to a previous jab by our Jon Eddy by saying that he's not a prick. Jon Eddy yells back, quite humorously I might add, 'You sure like a small prick on this side of the sidewalk.' With that little debacle over we walked back to bus to play video games and wind down. Other than Bobby being propositioned by a homeless black man for sexual favors when he left the bus to check the trailer (The guy was walking around the venue the day of the show as well, no doubt trying to coerce anyone without any sense of morality to participate in crude activity) we all slept and awoke rejuvenated and excited to play our first show back.

As well as that extremely weird and awesome first day of tour back, there are other stories of our bus breaking down, taking 2 rental cars to our show in Worcester on Halloween and Protest The Hero saving our asses not once but TWICE in Canada (HUGE props to PtH. Especially Tim for driving our asses around) but I'm sure those will be talked about in later blogs. Its time for us to soundcheck and I'm hungry for dinner."

More on Job For A Cowboy, including their live itinerary, at this location.

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