ALERION Part Ways With Keyboardist

November 16, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news alerion

Utrecht, Netherlands-based female-fronted progressive thrashers ALERION have issued the following update:

"Some time ago our keyboardist Paul Bouman decided, in consultation with the rest of us, to leave Alerion. Musically our differences turned out to be too great. Therefore Paul prefers to occupy himself with other matters.

Fortunately, Paul will still be performing with us on the next couple of gigs, while we start looking for a successor.

We want to thank Paul for his contributions on our promo Turn Of Fate and his efforts during the recording process. However, we will not bid him farewell, as we'll be seeing him around for some time."

For more info on Alerion, head to this location.

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