THE ALIEN BLAKK Frontman Joshua Craig To Hold Metal Seminar At Scottsdale Community College This Friday

November 18, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news the alien blakk

THE ALIEN BLAKK frontman Joshua Craig will be doing two separate speaking engagements this Friday (November 20th).

The first will be on Music Business and the second will be on Production and Engineering in metal.

Both engagements will be in Scottsdale, Arizona at 10:30 AM and 3 PM and will last about 90 minutes each. If interested in attending, e mail to get guest list information.

The Alien Blakk is finalizing their release dates for the upcoming year and have more than one release to be announced as well for 2010 that have been completed.

For more information, go to this location for updates.

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