PSYCROPTIC Return Fom Indonesia; Sweep First Australian Metal Awards

November 26, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news psycroptic

Touring in support of their fourth studio album and their Nuclear Blast debut, Ob(Servant), Tasmania’s technical death metallers PSYCROPTIC recently played 5 shows throughout the islands of Java and Bali to literally thousands of crazed metal fans each night, breaking new ground and playing in places that no international metal band has ever played.

States drummer Dave Haley: "November was quite a crazy month for Psycroptic... with our first visit to our next door neighbours Indonesia happening, and with us nomitated for quite a few catagories in the first annual metal awards.

Indonesia, you rule!

Thanks to all the crazy Indonesian metal fans that came out to see us on our mini-tour earlier in November. It was definitely an eye-opening and amazing time for all of us. We were fortunate to play in Jakata, Bandung, Solo, Malung and Bali. We are already planning the next trip there!!! If you ever get the chance to visit Indonesia - do it! The place and the people are the best! Special thanks to Jason Xenophobic, Soluties, Burgerkill, Age & the Bali metal community, and everyone else who were so welcoming to us.

We can honestly say we can’t wait to go back! Indonesia's metal scene is huge, and feels more like a 'community' than just music fans. I can honestly say I've never seen so much enthusiam and passion for music anywhere in the world. What an amazing place... I wish every tour could be as good as that one was!

The day we returned to Australia, we were told we had won quite a few awards at the first Australian Metal Awards that took place in Sydney... which is a nice way to finish off the touring for the year.

We are now working on new material, and will have something to release in 2010!”

Psycroptic swept the categories at the very first Australian Metal Awards in Sydney, Australia clinching the following awards:

Best Band Name

Most Popular Merch

Best Album Cover

Best Film Clip

Best Export

Best Live Band

More on Psycroptic at this location.

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