TESTAMENT'S Chuck Billy - "We Wanted To Make A Better Record Than The Gathering"

November 29, 2009, 14 years ago

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Greek-based Rockpages Web Magazine spoke with TESTAMENT's Chuck Billy regarding the band's lomg-enduring career and the success of their last album The Formation Of Damnation. Here's an excerpt from the chat:

Rockpages.gr: Did you expect to have such a success for the Formation Of Damnation album?

Chuck Billy: "We hoped it. I mean when we wrote the record we knew we had many good songs. But until we mix the record and put the record on the cd player on the studio and listen to the whole thing from start to finish, then we realized that it was a good record. We wanted to make a record better than The Gathering. So, we said 'ok, it's got to be better, so what we have to do to make it better than the gathering? We wanna make the guitars bigger, the drums to be more real and I think I wanna sing more.' So we kinda go back and do stuff like from the Low record with a little more singing. So, we did what we wanted to do and set goals for ourselves. And when we put that record to listen to it... 'we did it.' So, we are very proud at that point, we wanted the fans and people to hear it because it is a good record and I am curious to see what they thing. Fans loved it, media loved it and gave us some good scores on it. It was like... 'God, we made it!' And it's also that after nine years many people had high expectations on what we gonna do. So, having the original guys back together was a big bonus."

Read the full interview this location.

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