ASPERA - "What A Difference A Year Makes"

January 7, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news aspera has received the following update on Norwegian metallers ASPERA from the band's management:

“Wow! What a year!” is vocalist Atle Pettersen’s awe-struck take on 2009, and given the way that Aspera have suddenly gone from nowhere to appear on everybody’s radar he certainly has a point.

This time last year the band were complete unknowns; but the last twelve months have seen the band play a number of high-profile gigs, record an album and sign a worldwide deal with InsideOut Music. Not bad for a bunch of relative youngsters – all (by bizarre co-incidence) being born in the last quarter of 1989 – from Skien, Norway.

Under the name ILLUSION, Aspera had already released three self-recorded EPs, so it was a brave move to take a step back and start again. But the gamble has paid off and Ripples, the Norwegian melodic progressive metal outfit’s first album, is already picking up enthusiastic reviews in advance of its official release, starting on 22nd January across Europe.

Although no strangers to the live scene, 2009 saw the band supporting TARJA across Europe and playing a number of prestigious festivals (including Rock Festival 1001, Sluserock, and being the second headliner at Norway’s Winterfestival) which helped them establish a firm fanbase. They also found time to write and record Ripples, an astonishing collection of ten quite varied and dynamic compositions. The finishing touches to the album were added by famed producer Jens Bogren (OPETH, PARADISE LOST, HAMMERFALL, SYMPHONY X) who noted, “The debut album from Aspera is one of the best progressive metal albums I’ve heard in a long time…”

A number of labels approached the band, but InsideOut Music were the perfect partners for a band of Aspera's ability and talent.

“Look at the calibre of artists they’ve got,” said guitarist Robin Ognedal when they signed. “It’s a great label, we’ve always wanted to work with them, and they made us an offer we literally couldn’t refuse.”

And if 2009 was a rollercoaster, the band had better hang on to their hats as 2010 promises to be even more exciting with the release Ripples and a considerable amount of live shows to back it up, kicking off with the album launch party in Oslo on January 28th at Smuget. It’s going to be one hell of a year!"

More on Aspera at this location.

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