MESHUGGAH's Mårten Hagström - "We Are A Weird And Aggressive Band"

February 17, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news meshuggah

Inside Out webzine has issued an interview with MESHUGGAH guitarist Mårten Hagström. The following is an excerpt from the interview, conducted by Cameron Edney:

Q: There’s no doubt that when you’re playing on the large festival bills, it can be a fantastic way to expose the band to a lot of people who may have never heard you before. For those people attending Soundwave that are interested in checking out Meshuggah... in a few words how would you describe the band live and what can the metal fans expect when you take to the stage this time round?

A: "Oh man, intensity [laughs] in a live setting we are an intense band that’s for sure! We want it to be a darker and more intense experience. We are a weird and aggressive band so I guess we’ll put on a weird and aggressive show [laughs]."

Q: You have shared the stage with so many great bands over the years. Who has given you the best advice whilst on the road and what was it?

A: "We’ve been given a lot of advice by a lot of people that we respect tremendously! I would have to say TOOL, if it comes to terms of advice. Tool was a band that we got a long great with. They hand picked us to go out on the two runs we did with them in the United States for their Lateralus album. Adam gave me advice on how to not get too stuck in the role of being in the band, try and get a perspective of what is happening with the band from an outside point of view, be really aware of everything. It was really good stuff to think about. Going on tour in the US with Tool meant a big arena tour and with a lot of bands you know you can really get kicked around but they were just the opposite. Tool took us in and we became great friends, we were hanging out a lot. We’re still in touch with them and they still come out to our shows when we’re in LA."

Read the complete interview at this location.

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