EXODUS Issue New Song Commentary; Announce Live Stream

April 19, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news exodus

In the first of four weekly installments, EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt offers commentary on the songs that will appear on the band’s new album, Exhibit B: The Human Condition, which is scheduled for release in Europe on May 7th and in North America on May 18th.

'The Ballad Of Leonard And Charles' - "Our first ‘ballad’ is about Leonard Lake and Charles Ng, two of northern California's most sadistic serial killers. Brutal sadists, they raped, tortured, killed and filmed some serious depravity."

'Beyond The Pale' - "This one is viewed through the mindset of a killer, someone who lives outside the law, ‘beyond the pale’ so to speak."

'Downfall' - "Downfall was inspired by the fall from grace of the U.S. and other world leading countries through the recession, war, and the general downfall of our once great nations.”

Holt has previously stated the following about the album’s artwork: "We wanted to portray the violence of man at its finest, so we started with our own version of the Leonardo da Vinci sketch [of Vitruvian Man], but done the ‘Exodus’ way! To me, the artwork represents man and his affinity for bloodshed, ignorance, and all-around ability to be led like sheep to the slaughter. The image fits the songs on this record perfectly."

Exodus frontman Rob Dukes will host a live Q&A; session on Ustream today beginning at 4 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern. Fans can RSVP for the chat here or post questions via the band’s MySpace page or Facebook page.

Exodus recently announced two album release shows with HEATHEN in Los Angeles and San Francisco before they fly out to Europe to tour the festival circuit:


11 - Los Angeles, CA - Key Club (with Heathen, BONDED BY BLOOD, local openers)
12 - San Francisco, CA - Slim's (with Heathen, ANVIL CHORUS, PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE)

Exhibit B: The Human Condition tracklisting:

The Ballad Of Leonard And Charles'

'Beyond The Pale'

'Hammer And Life'

'Class Dismissed (A Hate Primer)'


'March Of The Sycophants'


'Burn, Hollywood, Burn'


'The Sun Is My Destroyer'

'A Perpetual State Of Indifference'

'Good Riddance'

'Devil’s Teeth' (bonus track)

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