CIRCLE II CIRCLE / DOCTOR BUTCHER Drummer Johnny Osborn - "The Lowest Point Of My Entire Career Is When CRISS OLIVA Passed Away"

April 22, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news circle ii circle doctor butcher criss oliva

CIRCLE II CIRCLE / DOCTOR BUTCHER drummer Johnny Osborn is featured in a new interview discussing the forthcoming CIIC album with All Access Magazine. An excerpt is available below.

Q: Your latest CD is almost complete, what can we expect from Consequence Of Power and when?

Osborn: "Real close! We are not almost complete, but well on our way. We are looking at a fall release. One thing you have to remember about CIIC is that when we make a record, we take our time and concentrate on that record...immensely. That is why we succeed in having a great recording. Consequence Of Power... a new sound, and a whole new idealistic view on what makes CIIC great. We like to mix it up and give our fans a new taste of what we have to offer. Some bands put out their second or third record, and it all sounds the same. This is our 5th debut record, so expect something new and exciting with a blend for every type of fan who listens to CIIC. This record will have a taste of European-American-Powerf the Night-New Driving sound - one for the ladies as well. Remember, Zak Stevens sings with emotions on every word, and Andy Lee? Need I say more?"

Q: What have been the highlights and low points of your career to date?

Osborn: "Well the high points and low points are part of life. You learn from your mistakes, and move on achieving goals you never dreamed! My highlights of my career I would have to say...once again is being in Circle II Circle being a member of the Circle of Trust. Once you are in this band the organization puts their arm around you and protects you and nurtures you to create a strong unity. You are only as good as your weakest lin, and right now there isn't one.

The lowest point of my entire career I would have to say is when Criss Oliva passed away. A lot of people don't know this, but when I was in Doctor Butcher, Criss had joined us on stage and we rocked some SAVATAGE tunes before the accident. That was the last show he ever did. We all went to Livestock to get some R&R;, kick back and have a good time. We were all waiting for Criss and Dawn to arrive. They never made it. I think that that was the most devastatingly lowest point I have ever had."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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