TYKETTO To Play Special Manchester Show

April 28, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard tyketto

TYKETTO singer DANNY VAUGHN (ex-WAYSTED, FLESH & BLOOD) has issued the following update:

"It seemed a shame to come all the way over to our second home in the UK only to play one show, so we thought we would do something a little special while we are here. On Saturday, June 12th, Tyketto are going to do a special, one hour set, combined with a proper, post Download party and meet n greet at Moho Live in Manchester. We have been made acutely aware that this is also a major night in English Football, taking on our fellow countrymen in the first world cup international SO..... we're going to make this a 6pm event so that we can have a little rock and roll first and then you can all get to a nearby telly and enjoy the game. Besides, we thought we had better play first just in case the Americans pull off a miracle and win! Ticket information is listed here !"

Vaughn recently revealed that he has been working with original Tyketto guitarist Brooke St. James and drummer Michael Clayton on new material.

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