THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE Debut New Track 'Charmer'; Haunt What's Left Album Art Revealed

May 20, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news this or the apocalypse

Lancaster, Pennsylvania’s THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE are streaming a new song, entitled ‘Charmer’, from their Good Fight Music debut, Haunt What’s Left. Check out the track at this location.

Haunt What’s Left is produced by Josh Wilbur and LAMB OF GOD’s Chris Adler, and is set to hit stores on June 22nd. When asked to comment on ‘Charmer’, Adler stated, “This is the shit that makes me get up in the morning. This is not the hit, this is not the second single, this is not the third – it is the 'shedding skin' tune. This gives me goose bumps and makes me jealous.”

This Or The Apocalypse vocalist Ricky Armellino had a few words of his own to express the meaning behind ‘Charmer’: “The more I struggle to learn about myself, the more I just abhor the amount our society consumes. It’s disgusting that a religious belief could make one feel empowered enough to irresponsibly destroy and consume other forms of life because they feel that there is an “afterlife” only for themselves and nothing else,” starts Armellino.

“One of my dearest friends calls me a “charmer” because I tend to be cunning and persuasive when I talk to others, it’s a gift and a curse; you can be so convincing that you can even distort the truth in your own eyes and make yourself believe you’re not one of ‘them’, you’re not to blame. I named the song after that nickname because I always want to remind myself that I should be holding myself accountable first, the rest of the world second.”

Chris Adler also had the following to say about the working with This Or The Apocalypse on the production of their new record: “I've wanted to produce a band other than my own for a while now, but never found one that inspired me quite enough to jump in. It's an exhaustive process to commit your creativity and focus to someone else. Most bands that are noticed today do one thing really well, or are known for a particular direction. Few combine as many elements as seamlessly as This Or The Apocalypse. This record is intense to say the least. It feels like a landmark music moment. Time will tell, but I'm obviously pretty f'n psyched.”

More on This Or The Apocalypse, including their live itinerary, at this location.

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