Heavy Metal Musicians Banned In Russian City

May 20, 2010, 14 years ago

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According to Russia-ic.com, the community of Belgorod (a city in western Russia) expresses indignation about the fact that the city authorities have addressed owners of restaurants, night clubs and concert halls with the request not to host any heavy metal performances.

The request was made by the head of the Consumer Market Department of Belgorod city administration. At the same time he explained that he personally did not know much about such music, and was merely executing the instruction of Governor Evgenie Savchenko "on maintenance of spiritual safety of the Belgorod Region" since he was asked "to promote suppression of satanic activity," Kommersant reports.

However, officials of the Regional Department of Education, Culture and Youth Policy of Belgorod have informed that the governor only asked to be more attentive to nonconformist youth, and also treat them with understanding.

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