SLAYER Guitarist Kerry King - "I Think Our Career Is Similar To AC/DC's"

August 16, 2010, 13 years ago

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SLAYER guitarist Kerry King spoke with Ed Masley from recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow: With World Painted Blood did you have goals going in as to what kind of record you wanted to make?

King: "Not really. I think our career is similar to AC/DC's. They're more rock and roll. But I think people like AC/DC because they sound like AC/DC. And people like Slayer because we're Slayer. It's like, 'Here's the formula.' There's no point in changing it 'cause it works pretty good." I saw an interview online where you were talking up the new song 'Hate Worldwide', and you said Slayer's been spreading the hate worldwide for 25 years. You really feel like you've been spreading hate?

King: "To some people. I think a lot of times, we say things that people are too scared to say in their own lives. People can relate to what we're saying. They can relate to that rage, even though they may or may not be able to lash out in their own lives. Maybe they can live vicariously through our songs." So if someone did quit, you wouldn't continue as Slayer?

King: "No. I'm not gonna go around with some (expletive) made-up Slayer band (laughs). But I tell you what. My next band would sound like Slayer. That's all I know."

Read the entire interview here.

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