THE PROJECT HATE Ink Deal With Season Of Mist

August 24, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news the project hate

Sweden-based death metallers THE PROJECT HATE have inked a new deal with Season Of Mist. An update from Lord K. Philipson reads as follows:

So, what is this about then? Let’s see… Obviously there’s a label in this world realizing there’s some fuckin' potential in what we do, being ready to take the risk in today’s illegal downloading dilemma, meaning they want to release the next album of The Project Hate MCMXCIX. The fact that there are still record companies around who try their hardest to get the best music out there absolutely astonishes me. This means we will get a proper release for this coming monster and you can all save your money and buy beer instead of putting it into our recording. For now anyway, haha… You never know if it will come down to running The Experiment somewhere down the line in the future. But, let’s try to keep this short now (with a huge risk of failing in the process, haha)…

To be able to do this album with a world wide distribution, through a label who absolutely seem to know what they are doing, feels great. In the little time I have been in touch with the people of this label I have seen more professionalism than during my entire career. That says a lot. We can now concentrate on delivering the best damned recording we have ever done and leave the rest of the business to the record company in question. To be on the same roster as quality bands like MORBID ANGEL, WATAIN, MAYHEM and CYNIC feels great. And to know that this disc will see the physical light of day is exactly how we want it to be. We want the whole package to be more than a thing on your monitor, and hopefully a lot of you guys feel the same – meaning you will buy a real copy of it in these times of digital theft being the new black.

Ruby and Jörgen have both started doing the work with their vocals. Ruby’s sent over pre-productions for all of the tunes and she’s done an amazing job – proving me to be correct when I chose her for TPH, but I knew that all along, of course. Now these 2 heroes are heading for the studios to do the real vocals and we are planning to have all of that completed during September. September is also the month when Tobben will lay down his thunderous domination drum-wise. We are so looking forward to have Tobben play with TPH at last. He’s an amazing drummer, a close friend and a complete nut-job. In other words – he’s destined to play with us. If nothing out of our hands fucks shit up we plan to have everything recorded and ready to be mixed sometime in October. Dan Swanö is on stand-by, ready to sink his teeth into this piece – undoubtedly the most intricate and dark work of our career (six songs, 60-plus minutes). Titles and whatnot will be revealed in time. Just hang in there.

Artist Marko Saarelainen has created an absolutely majestic,very dark and disturbing piece of work for the album cover, further enhancing the idea and concept of this whole album. Just wait until we reveal it and you’ll see.

You might have noticed that there has been very little information about guitarist Anders inclusion on this record. Due to personal commitments he’s not been around at all during the course of the writing for this album, meaning he won’t be included on it. Nope, he’s not fired or and he didn’t quit – he’s just had more important things than metal to devote his time to. Hopefully he’ll be back for the next one."

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