RUSH Guitarist Alex Lifeson Says New Album Will Contain "The Epic Song 'Clockwork Angels'"

August 25, 2010, 13 years ago

news rush rock hard

Alan Sculley from spoke with RUSH guitarist Alex Lifeson recently about a number of topics including their upcoming album, Clockwork Angels. Lifeson says the band has six songs pretty much ready to go and three others almost done. The group plans to write at least a couple of additional songs after the tour. At this point, the CD is shaping up to be a musically varied work.

"There is the epic song, 'Clockwork Angels,' which is really taking shape. It's a multi-parted piece, very dynamic," Lifeson says. "Then there's some stuff that's very melodic and on the softer side, on acoustic, with a strong melody. So there's great diversity there. Honestly, I can't wait until we start really working on these songs. We've sort of got them to the stage where Geddy and I were happy with the arrangements and then Neil kind of comes in and starts working on his drum arrangements, and they go from there. So they're sort of in that pre-drum stage right now, and it's great to see them come to life."

Read the entire interview here.

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