MEGADETH Frontman Dave Mustaine - "When I Set Out To Do This Music Thing, I Didn’t Have Much To Rely On Except For A Single Mother, Myself, And A Dream"

October 28, 2010, 13 years ago

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MEGADETH frontman Dave Mustaine is featured in a new interview with An excerpt is available below.

Q: Your book Mustaine: A Heavy Metal Memoir is something I think a lot of kids my age could benefit from because you have been through hell and back in your career and in your personal life. What can younger people learn from this book…other than not to do speedballs?

Dave: "*laughs* Well it’s really about following your heart and your dreams. When I set out to do this music thing, I didn’t have much to rely on except for a single mother, myself, and a dream. And the dream wasn’t so much to be a guitar player to begin with, I wanted to play baseball. I loved it. I don’t know how it happened exactly but it did. And then I got into the drugs and drinking and there was no one who could scare me straight. And that’s not what this is either, it’s not one of those scared straight things where a guy pops his eye out and shows it to you and says 'Ahhhm keepin mah eye on you boah!' It’s about following your dreams."

Q: If you could have one person narrate Mustaine: A Heavy Metal Memoir, who would it be?

Dave: "Well that’s tricky because it’s two parts. You have the person, and you have the voice. I think for the person, I’d want someone cool like Gary Oldman, but as far as the voice goes…I’d want it to be the guy who did the voice if Iago the parrot from Aladdin, Gilbert Godfried. *doing his best GG impression* 'And so Dave Mustaine was born in La Mesa, Ca on September 13th…and he comes out and his mother goes OH NO IT’S A BOY!!'"

Q: The question I’m sure you get sick of hearing is, is this big 4 thing going to happen in the States?

Dave: "Well if you’re asking me, I’m pretty sure we’re in. And I think the guys in SLAYER and ANTHRAX are in too. And I bet the boys in METALLICA are too, it’s just a matter of logistics and getting stuff together. I mean James and Lars told us as soon as the European thing was over that they needed a break and that’s completely understandable because those guys tour so damn much. But the fact that we can get together on the same stage and play just goes to show you all of the stuff that the media likes to hype up between Lars and me is bs. I mean it’s gotten to the point of like where I’m saying 'What do we have to have a LOVE CHILD before you people get it?'"

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Pro-shot footage of Megadeth performing 'Symphony Of Destruction', from the upcoming The Big Four: Live From Sofia, Bulgaria DVD and Blu-ray can be viewed below courtesy of Noisecreep:

The Big Four: Live From Sofia, Bulgaria DVD and Blu-ray features Metallica, SLAYER, MEGADETH and ANTHRAX performing together for the first time in history at the Sonisphere Festival at in Warsaw, Poland on June 16th. The release dates are as follows: October 29th in Northern Europe, November 1st in the rest of the world aside from North America which is November 2nd. Warner Music will release the package in North America and Universal Music throughout the world.


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