MARY FORSBERG WEILAND's Fall To Pieces: A Memoir Of Drugs, Rock 'N' Roll, And Metal Illness Set For Paperback Release Next Week

December 3, 2010, 13 years ago

news rock hard mary forsberg weiland

Fall To Pieces: A Memoir Of Drugs, Rock ‘n’ Roll, And Mental Illness - the critically acclaimed gripping memoir written by Mary Forsberg Weiland with Larkin Warren - will be released in paperback December 7th via It Books/HarperCollins Publishers.

In Fall To Pieces, Mary - mother, model, bipolar disorder survivor and recovering drug addict - reveals the extreme highs and lows of her life with refreshing candor and unflinching detail. She beautifully tells the story of her life, including her longtime relationship with ex-husband, STONE TEMPL PILOTS/former VELVET REVOLVER frontman Scott Weiland. In Fall To Pieces, Mary offers a window into the world of modeling and rock ‘n’ roll, while at the same time providing deep insights into the drug and alcohol addictions that could have killed her, and her serious and misunderstood mental illness.

Mary felt it was important to share her story, despite fears of how revealing her personal battles might affect her family. She explains her reason for writing Fall To Pieces and why she felt bipolar disorder was an important subject to address: “I reject the stigma that the words ‘mental illness’ carry and I'd love to be a part of the movement to eliminate it. After my bipolar diagnosis, I read countless books on the subject. I had a difficult time connecting to them because my story often lacked the intense mania that so many people struggle with.”

While the holidays are a joyous time of year for many, they can also be especially difficult for those who suffer from mental illness or depression. Mary hopes that Fall To Pieces may help provide some understanding, laughter, and insight for those struggling with similar demons. “The holidays can be an emotionally taxing and lonely time. My biggest dream for Fall To Pieces was that others might find the strength and a little bit of that light that lifted me from my darkness. I have received an overwhelming response from so many readers who were able to connect with this story. The dialogue we’ve shared over the last months has been one of my most cherished gifts. Thanks to the many who have discovered it, the book has a life I never could have imagined. It’s humbling and inspiring.”

Dr. Drew Pinsky, host of Loveline and Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, and author of The Mirror Effect and Cracked, has noted: "Mary Weiland's beautifully crafted memoir takes the reader through the journey that is so very common today, the slow drift into addiction and mental illness. Fall to Pieces is perhaps the most vivid rendition of this experience I have ever come across. Honest, clear, and accurate, Mary takes us into the reality of a world that is idealized in the tabloids. I have always loved Mary and Scott Weiland, but never more than now.”

Mary is currently studying for her certification in drug and alcohol counseling with a focus on co-occurring disorders at Loyola Marymount University.

For more information on Fall To Pieces, go to

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