DORO - Home Sweet Home

January 5, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news doro

Now back home in the US, bassist Nick Douglas offers some insights into the recent concluded DORO PESCH headlining tour:

"January 3rd, 2011. Now that I'm home, people often ask me, 'How was the tour?' Well, so much happens from day to day, moment to moment that I usually can't offer a one word answer for that. I often describe it as bit of everything all at once. Mostly good. One minute I'm looking for a pair of clean socks and the next I'm rocking onstage in a hall filled with Doro fans and friends. All in all it's a profound adventure with many small stories clustered together.

Private time: There's not much of it. But when I lie in my bunk after a show day, I often like to unwind with my iPod rotating a selected album or group of songs that become sort of my personal soundtrack for those weeks on the road. This time it was SAMAEL's Solar Soul album and on the more chill side, a few songs by One Eskimo. These moments help give me balance and inspiration.

Highlights: Sure, lots! Opening up for MOTÖRHEAD for starters. Hearing Lemmy's bass being soundchecked. The Augsbrug 'sauna' show (it was very hot that night, a sweatfest). The Z7 show in Pratteln, Switzerland. Great audience and the band was on fire. Barbara's catering at Z7, Motörhead's catering by Richie and Tommy, the post-show/ pre-Christmas 'celebration' at Z7 with the whole touring party (the members of KRYPTERIA and BIG BALL) and a special guest Schmier from DESTRUCTION. All the kindness that our agency, ICS, has shown us.

Memories: Our tour bus being decorated with red rope lights, late night discussions about philosophy and humanity in the bus lounge, meeting some great people, snow everyday for 5 weeks, brushing my teeth onstage during Krypteria's show in Nürnberg (hey, I was looking for the backstage sink). Johnny in drag, standing behind Mikkey Dee during his drum solo, walking up to the castle in Burglengenfeld.

Thanks: Doro, Johnny, Luca and Bas. Our ever-patient tour manager Piezel. The hardest working road crew ever: Ralf, Holgey, Ingo, Eddie, Justin and Frank. Our smooth going driver Hupfi. Our illustrious merch man Chris. All the local promoters and venue staff. Britta, Holger, Thomas, Kai and all at ICS. Friend and agent Dirk Lehberger. Our manager Holger Koch holding up the fort back at HQ. The Motörhead band and crew. And of course all who have attended the shows, this was all for YOU!

In Retrospect: I'll say one thing about touring, as exhausting as it can be, it's addicting. After a few days of being home I start to experience some degree of withdrawal. Simple things like going to a grocery store are…strange (our fantastic caterers took care of that). And in my case, I notice that everyone is speaking English (as opposed to German. Gotta rescramble the ol' noggin'). You really know where you come from when you leave it and come back. And it's good to be back. But I still wake up wondering when soundcheck is…."

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