IMAGIKA Laid To Rest

January 6, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news imagika

San Francisco Bay Area power/thrashers IMAGIKA have finally called it a day. Lead guitarist/songwriter Steve Rice comments on the band's demise.

"All things must come to an end and for Imagika the time is now. After 17 years, 7 worldwide releases, 2 vocalists, 5 guitarists, 3 bassists, 2 drummers, countless performances and tour dates I’ve decided to put the band to rest. The reasons are many, but the truth is that it’s time for something new and to move forward without being bound to the past. I’m not mourning the end because I’m grateful the band lasted as long as it did. I look forward to building upon the music and legacy of a band I spearheaded for close to 2 decades with my new project. I would personally like to thank all the fans, press, labels, booking agents, promoters, venues, studios, engineers, artist, instrument manufactures and everyone else that had a helping hand in Inagika’s career. It could not have happened without you! I will personally still handle and oversee everything Imagika post mortem for the foreseeable future.

Moving forward, drummer Wayne Devecchi, former ELDRITCH guitarist Roberto Proietti and I have formed a new metal/thrash project that will take our collective musical ideas to the next level. Fans of our past band's music will not be disappointed as we’ve put together some great catchy material that is melodic, complex and heavy. A five song instrumental demo has already been recorded and we are presently seeking a pro vocalist and bassists to complete the project. Interested parties can contact us at Please have reviewable audio or video media."

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