TOKYO BLADE's Andy Boulton Gets The Bird; Photos Available

March 9, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news tokyo blade

TOKYO BLADE were forced to postpone rehearsals for their upcoming tour as guitarist Andy Boulton, a keen falconer (seen below with an American Harris hawk) has badly damaged his hand after an incident with a Golden Eagle.

Andy said, "She flew to me as usual, but when she landed and gripped her talons went straight through the gauntlet and completely through my bloody left hand! When an eagle grips it locks it's talons and there is no way of releasing it until the bird decides to let go. Not wanting to hurt her I just had to wait."

A quick trip to hospital and several stitches later Andy laughed and said, "It was my own stupid fault. I had the wrong gauntlet for an eagle but it won't stop me flying my birds... I love it."

Tokyo Blade’s new album Thousand Men Strong will be released worldwide on March 18th.

Production duties for the album were handed to legendary Grammy-nominated producer Chris Tsangarides (OZZY OSBOURNE, JUDAS PRIEST, THIN LIZZY). The band setup camp at his Kent recording complex and didn't leave until the definitive Tokyo Blade album, Thousand Men Strong was in the can.

To meet half of the expenses the band appealed to the legion of fanatically loyal Tokyo Blade supporters. They pre-ordered and pre-paid for their copies of the unrecorded and untitled album and in exchange the band promised them an early copy of the album when completed, signed goodies, an official t-Shirt and their name on the role of honour.

Tracklisting for Thousand Men Strong is as follows:

‘Black Abyss’

‘Thousand Men Strong’


‘Forged In Hell’s Fire’

‘No Conclusion’

‘The Ambush’

‘Killing Rays’

‘Heading Down The Road’

‘Condemned To Fire’

‘Night Of The Blade’

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