April 10, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news spineshank

After six years away from the spotlight, SPINESHANK have returned and are ready to release a new record. Guitarist Mike Sarkisyan recently spoke with Noisecreep about the band' forthcoming album, Anger Denial Acceptance, and what led up to the relaunch of the band. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

Noisecreep: When did you officially re-launch Spineshank?

Sarkisyan: I wanna say it was June of 2008. We started writing songs and sort of a skeleton of a record together. Then we went on tour on the Music As A Weapon [Tour]. In 2009, that whole year we did nothing. We got our gear stolen. We had a bunch of things happen to us. We officially reconvened making the record very late in the year and finished mixing in February.

Noisecreep: Tell us about the new album.

Sarkisyan: "It's called 'Anger Denial Acceptance.' It's produced by me and Tommy. It was mixed by Mike Plotnikoff. It's sitting there waiting to get released now. I'll tell you this. If anybody is expecting us to sound exactly the way we did when we put out our last record, they're probably going to be disappointed. It's definitely... dare I say the word growth? Or mature? You can expect us to sound the way we did seven years ago. It definitely does sound like Spineshank. It doesn't sound like any other band. The only way I could put it to you is it, is not dated sounding. It's sort of a loose concept record. It somewhat tells a story. There's an underlining theme to the whole thing. The title ties into it. It's about loss, and the different stages of dealing with loss. It's a pretty elaborate record, I'll tell you that much. I think a lot of people will be rather surprised to hear something this elaborate coming from us. It's the next step."

Noisecreep: Are you currently shopping Anger Denial Acceptance to labels or distributors?

Sarkisyan: "We're pretty damn close to it. Very close to it. The problem is that we spent a long time making this record. It's the most personal we've ever been and it's like my baby. I'm sure everybody else will say the same thing. It's really hard to let it go, and we want to make sure whoever puts this record out is going to care about it as much as we do. We don't want to just s--- it out and 'now it's out.' We want the proper support and we want the people working the record understand it and care about it as much as we do."

Read the entire interview here.

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