The Blood Vomits - Animated Series From The Creators Of GWAR Begins Shooting At Slave Pit Studios

May 26, 2011, 13 years ago

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Fresh from successfully securing a production budget using the Kickstarter crowd-funding website, Slave Pit Inc., the production company behind intergalactic shock-rockers GWAR, have begun work on the new episode of their original animated puppet-comedy show, The Blood Vomits. Shooting is expected to wrap before GWAR leaves for Europe on the latest-leg of their Bloody Tour Of Horror, and editing will be done by the time they return in late June.

The Blood Vomits follows the adventures of Mad Dog, Nails, and their trying-to-be-evil cohort, The Vicar, as they ravage their way through a medieval world full of plague, war, and woefully inadequate toilet facilities. The original episode, which is getting a new soundtrack (one that can actually be understood), can be seen on Slave Pit's internet TV station,, which will also premiere the new episode, entitled A Very Good Man.

Slave Pit artist and co-creator of the Blood Vomits, Davis Bradley, had this to say about this latest project from one of the most infamous and prolific production companies in existence today:

"The origin of BV's started in Charleston SC where I met comedy writer/actor John Brennan (The Banana Monologues). John had written a short sketch called the Blood Vomits, about two evil Mexican bandits and a priest. I took the sketch and transformed it into what we have now. As far as where I see it going when it's done? It could possibly get picked up by some network, or it could become popular enough on the web to keep it alive. The sky's the limit."

The Blood Vomits is one in a long series of Slave Pit side projects, which has included everything from "cop- metal" band, THE X-COPS, to building set, costume, and prop pieces for various theatrical and television productions. When asked what keeps the work coming, long-time Slave Pit artist Matt Maguire (who plays GWAR's current arch-enemy, Sawborg Destructo) had this to say:

"I would say at this point sheer will is what keeps us going. If we were not making cool monsters or having our hands up puppet butts we would go crazy! The Slave Pit as a group has always attracted some of the most creative and talented people around, and even though we don't always see eye to eye we all want the same thing, to make the sickest and most kickass art and music around. So get ready people the Blood Vomits are gonna tear ya a new one!!!"

Another interesting point in the production is the voice talent. The voices for the main characters are supplied by three well-known figures in the metal scene - Randy Blythe (LAMB OF GOD), Dave Brockie (Oderus Urungus of GWAR), and Tony Foresta (MUNICIPAL WASTE).

So be on the lookout for The Blood Vomits, the latest project from those unstoppable panderers of pimpled perversion, Slave Pit Productions.

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