WOODS OF YPRES - Remix Of 'You Were The Light' Available For Streaming

July 28, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news woods of ypres

Canadian doomsters WOODS OF YPRES have posted a remix of 'You Were The Light' from the August 2010 Woods IV.5 sessions, courtesy of THRAWSUNBLAT's Joel Violette. Check out the clip below.

As previously reported, frontman David Gold contacted BW&BK; with news that he is putting together a documentary of his year in Korea (2007 - 2008). According to Gold it is "currently a work in progress, put on the backburner until we finish recording Woods 5. Resuming Korea 'film' work in the fall, to be completed by the end of the year. Likely available by Spring 2012. It's been four years and I'm trying to figure this one out."

Check out a preview below:

Gold is featured in a new interview with Virginia's Magazine 33. An excerpt is available below:

33: You guys just signed with Earache Records, who has rereleased your first four albums. Why did you decide to sign with them after being independent for so long? Have you all heard any cries of "sellout" from anyone in the black metal community, or is your style of blackened/doom different enough that you don't hear that kind of criticism?

Gold: "I don't really acknowledge such a thing as a black metal community. I consider musical preference as a personal thing. For example, right now I'm listening to Robyn songs on YouTube as I type this. We signed a deal when the time was finally right for us. Earache offered us the chance at achieving the things we wanted, and we believed we could deliver on what we promised them. It just doesn't make any sense to accuse any band such as ours of 'selling out' after they've been independent for nearly nine years. Deal or no deal, Woods of Ypres can and will always continue. I agree though, and I do believe that we're different enough, and also because we've been around for so long that people don't really troll us these days, either because they already used to back in the day, and they don't have a problem with us anymore, or they've just grown older and tired and don't have the burning passion or energy they used to, or just that we've become so hard to categorize and therefore a difficult band to troll. With all the street cred we've earned and a loyal fanbase just as numerous as the deniers and the criticizers, it takes a lot of effort and brainpower to conclude an angle on which to attack us, and furthermore, more difficult to justify a reason why to attack us at all. We're all older and more wise now, it seems, both them and us. Life is more peaceful now than it once was, certainly."

"We've worked hard and found a way to make a lot of things happen for ourselves, so we haven't made it easy for reasonable people to blindly hate us anymore. We're as real of a band as you'll find these days. On the positive side, our listener base has grown huge, of whom were very happy for us finally having signed to Earache, and who are hotly anticipating new music from us. It's exciting to do this knowing and feeling there's an audience who really enjoys and appreciates what you do. That alone, justifies everything else."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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