NEMHAIN - Interview With Greece's Rock Overdose Available

August 27, 2011, 13 years ago

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Greece's Rock Overdose conducted an interview with NEMHAIN's frontwoman Amber Erlandsson recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

Rock Overdose: Well, last year (2010) you released your first album, after of some EPs and some compilation participations. Are you happy with the sales of the album, with the reception from the media etc?

Erlandsson: "We didn't really have any expectations about sales or reception of the album. The main thing for us was to get the album released and spread so that we could go out and play some shows. But looking back i would say that we did ok considering we are a relatively new band and it was released through a small label."

Rock Overdose: I think that you had recorded that album about two years before you finally release it. Why that happened?

Erlandsson: "When we decided that it was time to record the album there were no definite plans as to how we were going to release it. We were talking to some smaller labels but also looking into possibly releasing the album on our own.... We even considered to give it away online just to get people listening to our noise. Once the album was finished we found ourselves in a negotiation with Tiefdruck and it just took along time to finalise everything."

Rock Overdose: Now you give to your fans a free EP for downloading (here) that is a taste of your new second album. Now, how is the reception of this four-track EP?

Erlandsson: "We thought that it was about time to release some new stuff to show a new fresher side to our sound. The songs on From The Ashes are now quite old and since we have been playing the songs on the EP live for almost a year we decided that it would be cool to give them away. See it like a bridge the gap EP" until the next full length album comes out."

Read the entire interview here.

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