CIRCLE II CIRCLE - New Line-Up Complete

December 10, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news circle ii circle

Just days ago Rollie Feldman (guitar) and Johnny Osborn (drums) parted ways with CIRCLE II CIRCLE. The official announcement from the band was the following:

“Circle II Circle would like to announce the return of guitarist Andy Lee to our full-time lineup after a leave-of-absence from touring this year. CIIC is also announcing the addition of our new drummer Jayson Moore. Jayson shares quite the musical history with Zak Stevens while they were growing up and he performed alongside Zak in the drum line at Brookland-Cayce High School in West Columbia, SC. The CIIC lineup (Zak Stevens - vocals, Mitch Stewart- bass/vocals, Andy Lee - guitars/vocals, and Jayson Moore - drums) is ready to go and will be featured at all live shows going forward and on the new CIIC album Seasons Will Fall to be released in spring/summer 2012. Consequently this means the departures of guitarist Rollie Feldmann and drummer Johnny Osborn from the lineup. We want to wish Rollie and Johnny all the best in their future endeavours and successes and we thank them for all the hard work they put into CIIC while they were with us. Onward....”

Apostolos Pantazoglou from Greece’s contacted Feldman and Osborn right after their announcement of leaving the band and also with Zak Stevens about the new lineup of CIIC and if they will eventually play to Wacken Open Air with Chris Caffery.

Johnny Osborn: “Rollie and I just can’t see a future with this organization. Nothing bad to say. We grew out of the band. I have been pursuing a lot of other avenues for a long time. Put it this way...bringing back an old member & an old friend from the high school drum line? Yikes! I’m outta here ! Haha!”

Rollie Feldman: “I can't really tell you a lot about it, just this much. We had not fixable musical differences about the new album. It collapsed in the studio when Mitch and I brought our songs on the table. But we left on good terms and Johnny and I will move on with a new project "Black Star Whiskey" with an unbelievable singer talent, pretty soon!”

Zak Stevens: “Everything is on for the Wacken show as far as I'm aware of...CIIC will definitely be playing the show and as far as we know Chris Caffery plans to be there to play a few songs with CIIC as well so there are no problems with that show at all as far as I can see it. Johnny and Rollie were doing a great job for us but their role was a temporary role with a chance to be full time. Unfortunately it didn't work out on a full-time basis but we definitely gave it a shot. But it was time to make the final choices for the long run and Andy Lee was able to come back from spending time with his family on a leave-of-absence from CIIC for a while last year. When he was able to come back we immediately wanted him back for obvious reasons. We needed a permanent solution on drums as well so I added my good friend and long-time drummer friend (I am a drummer as well of 35 years) Jayson Moore to the band. We wish the best to Johnny and Rollie and they will be successful even though they weren't quite the right fit for CIIC in the long run. That's about all there was to it Apostolos. Thank you! Zak”


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