SLASH Bassist TODD KERNS Reveals Studio Sessions Are Being Filmed

December 22, 2011, 12 years ago

news todd kerns rock hard slash

TODD KERNS - bassist for SLASH, vocalist and guitarist for SIN CITY SINNERS - has issued his latest blog, which was written in the lounge at Barefoot Recording; an excerpt follows:

"After a while the studio turns into Das Boot. A group of dudes trapped together day in and day out. To add to the surreality of it all a documentary camera crew follows our every move. Not sure what is to come of this footage. DVD? Documentary? Blackmail material? Who knows? The camera crew have now become part of our Island Of Misfit Toys."

"We are somewhere in the area of 5 songs in. I’ve lost track. We play the songs together live off the floor capturing guitars, bass and drums all in one pass. If there’s any glaring mistakes they are repaired and we move on to the next. The pace has been about one song a day though we’ve managed to fall off that pace here and there. The riffs are fat and huge and heavy. Slash plays solos live off the floor that are epic and as impressive as anything in his catalogue. And that’s a formidable one.

In our last stretch of pre production Fitz tore a big hole in his thumb. He sat out for two days while the other 3 of us played along to the previous days recorded drum rehearsals. It was surreal but necessary. After a couple of days Fitz returned behind the kit bandaged up, gloved and good to go.

It’s been fascinating working with Eric Valentine. Every day I come in and the drums are in a different part of the studio. He’s big on different sounds for different songs. The kick drum sizes change, Myles and I change guitars and amps all the time dependent on the track. The only constant is Slash. Les Paul and Marshall. All you need is an American guitar and a British amplifier and you can take over the world. Slash has a very specific, distinctive sound and it would be a mistake to have him playing a Strat or a Tele. Slash needs to sound like Slash. The funny thing is I have a feeling that even if he did have a completely different set up going it would still sound very much like him."

To read Todd's blog in its entirety, click here.

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