SEBASTIAN BACH Takes On Radio Programmers - "You Are A Fucking Pussy, You Are Not A Rock Fan, You Are Hustling Nostalgia, And You Have No Balls"

February 7, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news sebastian bach

Vocalist SEBASTIAN BACH recently spoke with Marah Eakin at Chicago-based A.V. Club. An excerpt is available below:

AVC: When fans come out to see you now, are you doing mostly Kicking & Screaming material?

SB: "No, I do whatever I feel in my heart. I’ll do all the old Skid Row songs because I know that’s why people are buying a ticket to come see me play. But, you know, I’m 43 years old. I don’t get excited running onstage saying, 'We are the youth gone wild,' when I’m almost 50. It’s kind of silly. I don’t get on the tour bus and drive across the country so I can play my 22-year-old song. I’m doing it so that I can play my new song."


AVC: That’s respectable. A lot of artists don’t feel that way.

SB: "I mean, think about what we’re talking about. I don’t walk around in 2012 thinking about 1989. I don’t know who does do that but, that’s, I guess, the nature of the business I’m in. But, when I was a kid, we were always excited about the next record that LED ZEPPELIN was going to put out and the next KISS tour, the new KISS costume, and the new KISS record. We didn’t just listen to 'Rock And Roll All Nite' for three decades."

AVC: Yeah, but that’s the radio landscape now.

SB: "That’s what I’m saying. I would like to say to every radio programmer reading this: 'You are a fucking pussy. You are not a rock fan. You are hustling nostalgia and you have no balls and you suck.' That’s what I would like to say."

AVC: Do you worry that, in 20 years, let’s say, people won’t know music that came out in 2012? They’ll just know songs from the ’70s and ’80s?

SB: "I love the song 'Dream On' by AEROSMITH, but I’m okay if I never hear it again. I’ve heard it so many times. Like, 'Comfortably Numb' by PINK FLOYD —okay, we’ve got it. I’ve fucking heard it since my dad played it when I was fucking 5. I don’t need to hear it anymore. It drives me nuts. That’s not the kind of rock fan that I am. I collect music; I collect rock ’n’ roll. I’m always looking for another record to dump into my iPod. It’s like we invent these iPods that have the storage capability to store every song ever recorded by every musician ever in the history of music, but radio only plays shit from 20 years ago. It’s like, why do we have all these gigabytes? To store the first two Led Zeppelin records? Holy shit (laughs). Give me something new. I’m so weird. I like Robert Plant with Alison Krauss more than Led Zeppelin. I’m the guy that says, 'Let him be Robert Plant. Let him make something that he’s proud of that is artistically interesting, instead of having a 70-year-old man squeezing his lemon juice as it’s running down his leg.' That was ’72. People are like, 'Why doesn’t he get the band back together?' It’s like, 'Why don’t you fucking grow up?'"

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Bach's video for the track 'TunnelVision', lifted from his new album Kicking And Screaming, can be viewed at the bottom of the page. His Kicking & Screaming & Touring 2012 dates are as follows:


7 - Peabody's Cleveland, OH
8 - Cubby Bear - Chicago, IL
10 - The Venue At The Hub - Fargo, ND
11 - Deerfoot Inn and Casino - Calgary, AB


12 - Teatro Caupolican - Santiago, Chile
13 - Teatro Flores - Buenos Aires, Argentina
14 - Carioca Club - São Paulo, Brazil
15 - Opiniao Porto - Alegre, Brazil


7 - Sweden Rock Festival - Norje, Sweden

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