DEF LEPPARD - Short Documentary On Drummer Rick Allen’s Electric Hand: Rhythm + Change Posted

April 11, 2012, 12 years ago

news def leppard rarities

A short, one minute, documentary on DEF LEPPARD drummer Rick Allen’s fine art collection Electric Hand: Rhythm + Change has been released and can be seen below:

The collection of abstract imagery, built directly from the artists’ rhythmic prowess will be released April 18th, exclusively at

Robert Cavuoto of Guitar International recently interviewed Allen about his Electric Hand: Rhythm + Change. An excerpt from the Q&A; can be read below:

It must be interesting to see subconscious thoughts coming through your rhythm. That must be pretty intriguing and frightening to some degree.

"Yeah, it is, to see some of the realms that I’ve experienced throughout my journey on this planet, some of them have been nothing short of horrific. I’m all about seeing the truth and seeing what it is about people that make up the human experience. This to me was a beautiful way to really highlight that because these are hidden realms. These are worlds that nobody would normally get to see up until recently. It’s abstract, but it’s a beautiful way to really see what’s going on inside any given individual. Even some of the other artists that got involved, I can see the individuality within their pieces too."

With this artwork being very personal, what do you want the viewers to take away from it?

"I’d like people to find themselves in there somewhere and really to rediscover or discover parts of themselves that they didn’t know about or weren’t in the forefront of their minds: finding the courage to move into their passion, to move into their dream. We all need that kind of inspiration these days. It hasn’t exactly been a walk in the park the last few years in terms of what is going on out there in the world regarding finances and loss of jobs. There are a lot of things that are stacked against us. I’d really like for people to find parts of themselves that they’d like to pursue."

To read the interview in its entirety, click here.

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