OPETH's Mikael Åkerfeldt - "I'm Writing From Beyond The Grave"; Wound Image Posted

May 8, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news opeth

OPETH singer Mikael Åkerfeldt was in an accident and "was rushed to the hospital" prior to the band's show at the Myth in Maplewood, Minnesota last night (May 7th).

A new update from Åkerfeldt states:

"Hi guys! I'm writing from beyond the grave. Seriously, I was not in a car crash and I haven't broken my arm. All that happened is I hit my head in MASTODON's tour bus as I was getting a new pair of (red) underwear out from my suitcase. Wish the story was more rock and roll, believe me.

Anyways I split my head open down to the skullbone and had to be taken to the emergency. They gave me a bunch of shots in the wound, cleaned me up and stapled my head shut with 8 metal staples. Head is sore and if I smile it feels like the wound is gonna burst open again, but I'll be on stage by tomorrow again.

I feel extremely disappointed that we couldn't play at the Myth in Minneapolis, but paramedics told me I couldn't. We will reschedule the show for our next trip to the US. So all rumors of me being in a car crash are false. I did crash my head into a car though, well... a bus really. Sorry for disappointing our fans in Minneapolis but I hope you understand. See you next time.

Check out an image of Mikael's wound below:

Opeth previously stated: "Mike and the band were very disappointed not being able to play yesterday but thank everyone for their understanding and for the tons of get-well-wishes Mike has received since. The band also thanks their friends in MASTODON for playing an extended set that hopefully kept all who attended happy."

Stay tuned for updates.

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