LYNCH MOB Guitarist George Lynch Featured In New Audio Interview

September 26, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news lynch mob

Legendary LYNCH MOB guitarist George Lynch (ex-DOKKEN) is featured in a new audio interview with Reno at WUZZ FM on the Big Hair Saturday Night Show. Check it out below:

Lynch recently spoke with correspondent Matthew O’Shaughnessy (from about Lynch Mob's Sound Mountain Sessions EP, out now on Rat Pak Records You mentioned Lynch Mob's next full length record which is on the horizon. What can you tell us about it?

George Lynch: "We've been working on this full length record for about a year; we've had some hangups with drummers coming and going that has sort of stopped us in our tracks here and there but we continue to soldier on. We have five songs in the can including a version of 'Burning Sky' by BAD COMPANY which is really, really awesome and so fun to play! And four other originals which are just awesome and I can't wait to get this record out there. We're going back in sporadically throughout the rest of the year to finish the record. We'll have it finished hopefully by the end of October and released on Frontiers Records as was Smoke and Mirrors. And this new record is really an evolution beyond Smoke And Mirrors. As you can see with Sound Mountain Sessions we've evolved and really focused on who we are and that's being expressed really well on this new full length record that will be out early next year. We have a working title right now of I Am Weapon. It will not disappoint!"

Check out the new video for 'Slow Drag' from Lynch Mob's Sound Mountain Sessions featuring George Lynch, Oni Logan (vocals), Robbie Crane (bass) and Brian Tichy (drums) below:

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