MACHINE HEAD - "For The Time Being, We Will Continue To Sell CDs"

January 31, 2013, 11 years ago

hot flashes news machine head cd

MACHINE HEAD frontman Robb Flynn has written the latest entry in his blog, The General Journals: Diary Of A Frontman... And Other Ramblings - Life Affirming. An excerpt follows:

"CDs Vs Streaming

Well you guys have spoken, and actually continue to speak, as I still get emails pouring into my inbox. Quite a passionate response about this subject and deservedly so. Apparently my comments caused quite a stir.

Just to expand on my thoughts a bit;

Look, I'm in a band, I've lived on a bus/van/plane for well over 25 years of my life now. I live out of a suitcase, that resides on a tour bus, with 10 people (imagine a studio apartment on wheels, with 9 roommates) for 10 months out of a year at times. My life needs to be efficient, it needs to be compact, it needs to be portable. Sure, I used to carry a big-ass CD wallet everywhere with beer-soaked, scratched up CDs and it was a pain, so yeah, the Spotify / iTunes world fits me perfect.

But, I also realize this isn't most people's life.

Most people don't need the portability I do. Lots of people said they love iTunes and streaming. Lots of people said they would like a CD, and of course, for the time being, we will continue to sell CDs. That's never been a question, as long as there are stores to stock CDs, we will sell CDs. And with and offering CD quality and higher files, that's a cool thing the future is bringing to files. But also, as I'm sure as most of you know, stores to purchase CDs are getting harder and harder to find. HMV (the last UK based CD chain) just closed shop, FNAC and Virgin France just closed. Here in the US Best Buy has cut CD rack space down from 24 racks to 4 racks!

I have a ritual I've done for every release since Burn My Eyes in 1994, where first day, I go in and buy our album. Call it good luck, or whatever, I love my rituals. But believe you me, I was stunned, STUNNED, when I went into Ameoba Records in Hollywood (I was in LA on the Jason Ellis show day of release) and saw our regular album NOT on sale, but full price for $16.99. I spent $40 bucks buying the two editions. It was wrong, it's supposed to be on sale the first week / first month. You reward the die-hards, reward the Head Cases for going out there and supporting you first day/week/month. It's a thank you. We were pissed, fans weren't stoked. Shit like this has to change, it has to, and we as a band (with your help) have to figure out a way around it.

New Riffs

Dave, Phil and I practiced the other day, and it was a really productive first jam session, McClain had about five rockin riffs, Demmel brought in the skeleton of what feels like a great song, I had a few riffs that we rocked on, no full songs, but solid riffs. It felt good, good to be moving on from Locust, super proud of that record, but it's time to move on, and we're ready to move on.

Bring on the future with an open embrace."

Read Flynn's full entry at this location.

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