MARYANN COTTON - ‘Halo Of Dust’ Video Banned From YouTube

October 30, 2013, 10 years ago

hot flashes news maryann cotton

MARYANN COTTON recently released a new video for the track, ‘Halo Of Dust’, featuring KING DIAMOND bassist Hal Patino on bass, Sebastian Sly on guitar, and Shawn Kernon on drums.

Cotton has posted the following message: "As to your question about the new video 'Halo Of Dust'. A Christian sect complained to YouTube, accusing me of promoting violence and pornography. This sect and their entire organization (as they wrote) were provoked by my appearance and my actions in the video.

The result was that YouTube removed the video, whereafter I was given the choice to either blur the whole thing, and I mean literally the WHOLE video – OR take it off. They would not allow ANY of the scenes with me in the video.

Right now I really don’t know what to say, other than I’m really surprised, since the video has no intentions of being/promoting neither Christian nor Satanic beliefs. We’re trying to resolve this matter by communicating with YouTube and we’re hoping to find a solution."

Maryann Cotton is featured in a new Danish TV commercial for Kobenhagen Fur.

Cotton revealed in September the title of his forthcoming album as Chester Rose - The Legend Begins. Located below is the first official promotion picture for the concept. The new album will feature songs written by ALICE COOPER, Dick Wagner, Hal Patino, and himself.

Maryann states: "Like DAVID BOWIE did ZIGGY STARDUST, and Alice Cooper did Steven, it's now time for Maryann Cotton to perform Chester Rose. In this concept you will be introduced to a world of chaos, blood and love. The album has the elements to become a classic rock album, you can really hear the feeling of Alice Cooper, AEROSMITH, KISS and LOU REED, as my producer Dick Wagner has worked with."

Producer Dick Wagner states:

"As we approach the actual recording dates of Maryann Cotton's second album, I am reminded of how I felt as Welcome to My Nightmare started becoming a reality. Like any great concept album, the writing and development of the music is a time consuming, super focused creative process, and Maryann Cotton's second album is to be a perfect example of the Artist and Producer working toward a musical goal that will make the listener think, feel, and experience the old and the new in a completely unique way. Maryann with his outstanding metal/rock Cooper-ish sound and feel are the perfect one to do this concept and songs, and the perfect one to perform Chester Rose! I'm proud to be his producer and friend."

More on Maryann Cotton here.

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