DECREPIT BIRTH - Former Guitarist Mike Turner Pleads Not Guilty To Sex Crimes Charges

November 25, 2006, 17 years ago

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The following report is courtesy of

A former heavy metal guitarist has pleaded not guilty to sex crimes charges. The District Attorney's office has filed 14 charges involving five girls and one woman against Michael Jay Turner, 27, who entered his plea to Judge Samuel Stevens on Wednesday.

Turner is accused of molesting three girls and videotaping them along with two others in sexual positions between 2002 and 2006. He was also charged with sexually battering an unconscious adult woman.

Prosecutors have not released specific descriptions of the charges, nor have they released the exact ages of the victims, saying only that four of the girls were "prepubescent" and a fifth was under 14.

Ross Taylor of the District Attorney's office said that still more charges could be coming.

"The investigation is just not complete," he said. "We've got a lot of leads and the sheriff's office is chasing them down."

A native of Arkansas, Turner played for about two years in DECREPIT BIRTH, a local band that described itself as "modern style death metal." Band members said Turner was kicked out when after he was charged with the crimes.

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