SLAYER Guitarist Jeff Hanneman: "I'm In A Weird Mood Right Now With Music"

December 19, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news slayer has issued an interview with SLAYER guitarist Jeff Hanneman, conducted by Luxi Lahtinen. The following is an excerpt:

Q: What inspired you to come up with such melodic leads for this album (Christ Illusion)?

A: "Once again, we don't over-think things. Ten percent of my leads are done in the studio and the rest I've done in my hotel room, working on it, working on it, working on it. Then I show up in the studio shouting 'Quick, record it, I think I've got it!' It's just spontaneous a lot of it."

Q: So, there's not some guitarist out there that you sort of admire and think 'I want to do that thing myself, too'?

A: "Not right now, no. In the past, Yngwie (Malmsteen) was an influence, Michael Schenker, guys like that. But right now there aren't many guitar players that I listen to. I'm in a weird mood right now with music."

Check out the complete interview at this location.

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