LEAVES' EYES Vocalist LIV KRISTINE Looks Back At 2006

January 8, 2007, 17 years ago

hot flashes news leaves eyes liv kristine

LEAVES' EYES vocalist Liv Kristine has issued the following recap of her 2006:

"Dear Fans and Friends,

I can't believe 2006 is already over! The year went by much too quickly. There has been a lot of travelling, I've met a number of wonderful and interesting people, and what I appreciate the most is meeting many new fans and some very, very good friends for life. After a very busy year, I spent Christmas and New Year together with my family in Norway. I always gain a lot of new energy during my stay at home and I feel very inspired to start composing new material with my musicians.

Some highlights in 2006 were the shows I did in connection with my solo-album. Enter My Religion, moreover, travelling the world with Leaves' Eyes. I will always remember the many victims of the hurricane in New Orleans as there is still many people suffering but having a strong hope that life will return to what it once was. In South America my heart was torn apart by poor children living on the streets.

My message for 2007 is: we have to care more about making the lives better for the poor children on this planet. They are our future and we all must learn to give more and open up our eyes for all this injustice and violence. I say this from the bottom of my heart as I am a mother myself. I would like to thank all my fans and friends for staying so truthful. Moreover, I would like to thank my family for helping me when I've had busy times. I love you from the bottom of my heart."

Best wishes,

Liv Kristine

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